Temperature Monitoring Systems


Product Note

As of January 1, 2025, Rolfes will not be able to service the BSCE-1000. The software for this product is still functional and we will continue to service the software, however the components required to support this system are no longer available. Our team at Rolfes was able to leverage the most advanced technologies and algorithms to update the KTX and BTX monitoring systems to better serve our customers. Please be sure to check out our KTX and BTX products using the link below.

View KTX System
View BTX System

Product Description

  • The BCS 1000 system runs on Windows.
  • The Automatic OHM reading feature tells the operator which temperature cables need repair or replacement and specifically where the problem exists.
  • The BCS 1000 system is compatible with nearly all existing remote switching systems.

Product Information

Product Information

Product Manuals